26 October 2006

To D, When It Is Cold Outside

In the night I am an oven;
I preheat until I bake.
And in the morning,
when your skin is crispy,
I know it’s time to eat.

03 October 2006

I Am Virginia. I Am Validated.

Yes, I have been going through some unfortunate issues lately. They always come along in a big bundle like property rights. It is good, then, that things have settled in my favor, as they do. My only complaint is this that every time, every single time, I have gotten the same response from friends and enemies alike. I have been told that I am a good person, and that good people always end up...well...good. What is this Good? I am not good. I am not of the Discovery Health Channel minions who can find beauty and joy even after suffering a horribly disfiguring disease. I cannot adopt a child of my own race, let alone of another, and love him as I do my own. I will laugh at you and talk behind your back. Regardless of whether I am right or wrong, I will tailor my arguments just so in order to win them by the widest margin possible. I am often sad, angry, superior, aloof. I pick my nose and flick it out the window, preferably at somebody. To be sure, I am not bad either. Still, I do not know this Good. And I am not so sure I would like it if I did.