22 May 2006

Stuff I Didn't Write

See the dwarves and see the giants. Which one would you choose to be?

I'm freezing like a 30 Century Man. Again with the Disney reference, but he is safe and buried somewhere in California. NOT, as is commonly rumored, in a freezer - with his feet in the air and his head on the ground. Ewww...or is it Oooo?

Don't believe all that I say. Hell, I don't believe all that I say.

The termite eats the windowsill. And I'm determined to believe that if I lift the shade there will be more. I envision the Koi pond at that Chinese restaurant in Orlando. Nasty, slimey fish. I see the termites, but I don't see that thing hovering out of the corner of my eye. It is not there. IT IS NOT THERE. The wine will help me believe it. It'll slow me down, like the night I did 'shrooms and ate the tiny Kit Kat bar in six hours. You know what I'm talking about, little sister.

There are people I dislike in this world. You know who you are.

There are people I love. Like My Bloody Valentine. Loveless is eleven tracks of pure perfection (sorry if I'm repeating myself TOTW). Buy it if you know what's good for you. I'm listening to it now and it makes me want to...do things...with certain people. Again, you know who you are.

I laugh like a machine gun.

This is how I feel at this moment.

If I walk down this hallway tonight it's too quiet, so I pad through the dark and call you on the phone. Push your old numbers and let your old house ring till I wake your ghost. I think last night you were driving circles around me.

There is dirt on your pants. Who made you crawl?

Crap. I'm not supposed to be saying all of this. Honestly, though, I'm amazed I can type at all. Oh well. Tell me what the saddest song in the world is.


little sister :) said...

i would be a dwarf not a giant. it's so hard to find those big and tall stores for women. then if you are driving a black van they can't even see you driving you are so short. you can also get into some dwarf porn if you are hard up for work, some guys really dig that. it also makes it easy to hide if you are a dwarf. nobody would be able to find you. you could fly for free in a friends suitcase with little discomfort. but as a giant you are stuffed in even in first class. as far as the shrooms go miss aileenie, i have never seen you slower in my life. to this day i still laugh about you in the tent. what a fun night. i'm going to blog about it. planned on doing it last week, i already have your album cover ready. i know i'm one of those people you don't like. you put that in there just for me didn't you???? aileenie the meenie

Chelle said...

I can pay her $5 to like you again. But she's probably talking about me. You pay the $5 little sis and pull up the black van.

I agree with sis Leenie, a dwarf or a fairie can control the world. As a giant the world sees all you do.

economeer said...

I know what Loveless makes you want to do...and it's not as bad as your last post may lead folks to believe...
