28 November 2005

Emmett Waxes Philosophically

Waxing philosophically, but you don't get a job by waxing.

It is often a problem to those of us who are considerably more patient with the whole process of being than those who are not to exist in the rush of the daily grind. The run fast or you don't get there mentality; the money makes the world go 'round ideals. We think it's silly, but it's actually quite profitable for the big pill companies.

Consider the other little people when you step on their heads and they scream out in pain. You laugh - HA! and they scream a little more... So Dante Infernoesque where the angels and the pilgrims turn their noses up at the damned, but isn't it only up to God to judge? Those who would be blinded by the shining wings of holy men are not so sinful as they seem. And those holy men don't shine so bright when you look close enough.

It has been so very long since I've had the chance to say what it all means to me (although sometimes it doesn't really mean it at all). I feel like Montaigne, but Montaigne would have never felt like me. Dahli is a veritable treasure trove of demi-godliness. She's my little chickadee.

Busloads of gawky little kids in dressy clothes run and play in places where they shouldn't. If I should trip one or two would I be liable?


Chelle said...

You can too get a job waxing. You just have to be willing to wax other people. I'm not sure I could do that.

Chelle said...

I also have a cure for the shining bright people: SUNGLASSES.

Sorry --- so sarcastic this early... ;)

dahlizyx said...

I often find myself waxing. Not on purpose, of course, but still...

Wax on, wax off. Goodbye Mr. Miyage! May you find happiness in that great Karate championship in the sky.

Chelle said...

Should we say goodbye to the wax along with Mr. Miyage (miss him I do) or wax eternal about how we can fake karate thanks to him?

dahlizyx said...

We should wax on one leg...

Perhaps we should organize a world-wide memorial. Then, at a precise moment, we can all of us do that one-legged kick from the end of the movie. Maybe the Earth will shift its axis.

Anonymous said...

Count me in on the memorial, I practiced that kick when that movie came out until I had it down. Plus the wax on, wax off move. LEG waxing makes my palms sweat, though.

Can I just drip wax on myself? Does that count??